Senin, 10 September 2012

Yes ! We Flow

Assalamualaikum, Bonjour, konichi wa, annyeong haseyooo, good day people .. :) at this time, i take some of my leisure time to write and put my memories down into my blog. Yeah, i can't wait any longer to spread my experiences during my trip in Malayan Peninsula. :D It's Malaysia ! the story before departuring : it's about five months ago, in lately April, we were feel so burned out with all of the courses stuff ~,~. Courses, Practicum, Mid-Tests, final tests, and some kind of repots really made us feel so exhausted. So, that's why my friends and I decided to make a plan of backpacking and overseas to another country and yeaaaah.. we decided it ! Malaysia ~ that's our destination to backpack together. after "the storming" in passport making and the tickets were bought, we breathed freely and feel so excited to explore the country. We're ten at that time. Two men and eight women. But, throuhout five months waiting time, three of us decided to unjoin with us. Even though the backpackers left 7 women only, we still excited to do some fun things in Malaysia. day by day, week by week and month by months is passed. Finally, two days before departuring! i realized that i was not prepare anything yet. my head is full with my reaseach proposal which is must be done four days after i return back from my trip. Aaarrgh ~ >.<. But, i made it easy. my waiting time is up. now, it's time to enjoy the new experiences and feel the diversity of indigenous people arround there. hehe.. the packing time : well, being a backpacker is not a new thing for me. Three months before, i had already backpacked to Medan City. so, packing is one of my favorite moment when i make a trip. hehe.. i'm a simple woman. i'm not a woman who want to make her trips harder. just bring the important things, and go ! :) wanna know what the stuff that i brought to Malaysia? :D well, i'll tell you. here the list : passport (you may not forget to bring this when you do overseas trip!), my red wallet, handphone, earphones, camera (it's a must), vitamins, herbs, sunglasses, and only four T-Shirts and two throusers.
it's simple right ? well, the day to take off is coming. I'm the second member who came earlier than others. the first one is Resty McKean (i'll write down about her in the next entry :D). After one hour waiting, all of us were completely coming and we waited the flight together in the waiting room in airport. :) and then, we flow ! it just take about 45 minutes, and we landed at LCCT Airport in Kuala Lumpur. ^_______^

Minggu, 09 September 2012

Finally, I'm Back Guys !

Bonjour people .. akhirnya setelah sekian lama "ngadat bin mogok" di blogger, I'M BACK ! yak, kenalan lagi yuuk. Saya Umun, saya suka menjelajah ke daerah baru (daerah lama suka jugaa, ehhe). Kesibukan saya di penghujung usia 19 tahun ini adalah kuliah. kuliah. dan KULIAH. ~.~ Well, saat ini saya sedang mengambil konsentrasi studi di jurusan Psikologi Unsyiah. Yap, saya belajar tentang all about human stuff and way. Menarik? tentu .. saya bersyukur sekali bisa nyasar ke psikologi. tanya kenapa ? karena saya belajar untuk mengerti semua tentang human being(bukan promosi lho yaa) :). Meskipun begitu, gak tau kenapa tapi saya sama sekali gak ingin menjadi seorang psikolog (tapi kalo rupa-rupanya aku jadi psikolog juga ya Alhamdulillah deh, saya tetap bersyukur sama Allah Yang Maha Kuasa). Semasa memasuki masa perkuliahan, keinginan untuk melihat dunia yang luas nan lebar ini makin menggebu-gebu dan mempengaruhi fungsi kognitif saya. oleh karena itu, saya rajiiiiiiiiinn sekali (sangat rajin malah) nyetel channel luar negeri yang notabene pasti gak ada bahasa Indonesianya. salah satu channel favorit saya adalah NHK World. kadang-kadang saya sampai "terbengak-bengak" sendiri pas liat program Cool Japan dan Newline nya. It's Totally Awesome Guys! Channel lain yang saya suka adalah NatGeo TV. tapi sayang, dirumah gak bisa nangkep sinyalnya. Jadi ya terpaksa streaming deh kalau mau nonton. :( nah, untuk urusan yang satu itu, saya sampe bela-belain musti "jumpalitan" dulu sama adek saya yang paling kecil untuk rebutan channel. kalo saya 100% pinginnya NHK World, kalau dia 100,1% pingin nonton Spacetoon. Alamaak.. >.< well, bercerita tentang passion dan mimpi saya.. panjang sekali ceritanya. :D yang jelas, saya punya hasrat yang tinggi sekali untuk melanjutkan studi di America, backpacking keliling Asia dan Eropa, dan menghadiri psychologist international conference yang "mungkin" bakal diadain di Australia suatu waktu nanti. intinya, I want to travel arround the world guys! Ottokeee.. memvisualisasikannya aja membuat jantung saya bisa dagdigdug superfast. hehe ..
oya, sekedar info : saya baru aja pulang backpackeran dari malaysia. :) tunggu my entry selanjutnya yaaa.. :) nak saya kupas semua cerita yang comel-comel di bumi melayu itu yeee..